As the leading representative in our region CANEGROWERS Burdekin provides a strong and effective local and national voice for growers supplying the Inkerman, Invicta, Kalamia, and Pioneer mills.

We are committed to maximising the returns to cane growers in the Burdekin, now and in the future.

By becoming a member, you will receive the support and services you need to boost production, to secure the best Cane Supply Agreement available, to get the most from our collective buying power and to help you cut and contain costs.

CANEGROWERS Burdekin is also about helping all growers tackle the big challenges of our time, such as escalating electricity, general rates, water and other costs. We use our associations and resources to offer members advantage through lower membership fees, a better range and choice of services and greater bargaining power.

Member benefits:

  • We liaise with Mill and industry stakeholders on behalf of members
  • Lobby at all levels of government on behalf of members
  • Keep members informed with communications, courses and resources
  • Secure the best Cane Supply Agreement
  • Provision of insurance services
  • Discounted payroll services
  • Personal assistance to members
  • Lowering / maintaining membership fees

Costs: Membership fees are based on a rate per tonne of cane supplied during a crushing season. Membership fees are reviewed annually by elected grower representatives.

You also become a member of CANEGROWERS the state-wide organisation that represents 72% of Queensland’s cane farmers. This means that you have the dual benefit of local people looking after your needs and the backing of numerous other CANEGROWERS throughout the state.